Events Past events

7 Dec 2020: Inaugural Research Day

The first SydCHI Research Day will be held on December 7th, 2020, on the University of Sydney’s Darlington campus. It is a great opportunity to meet fellow HCI researchers and practitioners.

Our aim for the day is to give everyone a moment to introduce themselves and to explore common themes in our work.


Time (AEDT)Activity
09:30 – 10:00 Morning coffee and Registration
10:00 – 10:20Welcome – Anusha Withana
Introduction to ACM Local Chapters – Eunice Sari
Introduction to SydCHI Day – Wafa Johal
10:20 – 11:40Short talks session
11:40 – 12:00Introduction to the afternoon workshop, finding themes
12:00 – 13:00Lunch and making groups
13:00 – 14:00Workshops in groups
14:00 – 14:30Groups present
Wrap up – Shlomo Berkovsky

The morning session (until lunch) will be made available live via Zoom and is open to a broader public, including other SIGCHI Local Chapters. Join via this Zoom link (password is SydCHI2020).

The afternoon program is private to registrants.


We ask all participants to prepare a 2-minute lightning talk to introduce themselves and their research.


LT123 (ground Floor) Building J12, School of Computer Science

The University of Sydney

1 Cleveland St, Darlington NSW 2008

Staying safe

We strongly encourage all attendees to keep all current safety precautions in mind. We’ll ensure the venue is set up in a way to allow us to keep a comfortable distance, have sanitiser on hand, etc. If you’re unable or uncomfortable joining in person, we’re making it possible to join us online.


Registration has now closed.

Sponsorship and support

This event is generously sponsored by ACM SIGCHI to encourage our community to come together and grow.

We are also grateful to the University of Sydney for allowing us to use the venue.